High Speed Gears for 34-38 Hudson and Terraplane--Also fits 33 T-8!
Expert Adviser
Have learned that the 33 cars can use the same gear set, so if you have a 33 and want a gear set, sign on now.
Gene Birdsall--I think you wanted to be on the list. Please confirm your Forum name is "hudsonsplasher1".
Email me at this address with your contact info: ivanz62@comcast.net
'33 but not '32? (Thought they were identical!) And, NOT the '33 Pacemakers (or whatever they call the Big Hudsons with the triangular headlights)?0
Can't say about the 32s being the same. I am relying on Tom B's looking at his 33 ET-8 and his saying the new gears can be fitted. I know 33 ET-8s have a different axle shaft from a 33 ET-6. The 32 could use the same differential. Then one could fit a 34-38 differential with the new High Speed gears installed.0
Hi Ivan, I sent you an email, I would like to have a set of these gears. Thank you.0
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