40,000 mile 1934 Terraplane
Senior Contributor
This is quite cheap surely for something so rare being in original condition apparently. The interior looks like new.
This is quite cheap surely for something so rare being in original condition apparently. The interior looks like new.
The interior looks like it was done last week. Hard to believe the engine paint could hold up like that.0
This is a historically very well known, well documented Australian survivor car. Have no doubts. But understand it is Australian assembled (Dalgety) as well and there are innumerable differences to a Detroit Hudson production car.
0 -
What a lovely car!0
A very nice car but the history is not quite correct.
It resided in Queensland in the early 2002's.
It was on one of our club runs in 2002 or maybe 2003 when Ken Hooper owned it.0 -
What a beauty!
I would think my left hand would do the shifting backwards tho! LOLJeff
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