Hudson and Essex hubcap wrench - SOLD
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$10 plus shipping , fits 1929 and others--SOLD
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Roy Schatschneider
49919 Peck-Wadsworth road
Wellington, Ohio
A must have tool if you have a Hudson or Essex with that shape hub cap. Those hub caps absolutely hate to be touched with anything else because they are very soft (made of aluminum). I had one I found in a flea market years ago. Even tho I didn't need it I figured somebody would sooner or later.
Alex Burr
Memphs, TN
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$14 shipped?0
You sure it fits the 29 Essex? Looks like the one I have for my 28 but the 29 Essex is much larger.
I'll buy it if it does fit the 29 Essex Hub Cap!!
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No , not sure , I never tried it . It came with other 29 parts and I was told it was for 29.
Could fit other years.
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Measurement between flats on hex end please.
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