NEED 40 Hudson Sedan interior rear window trim
I need an Interior rear window trim piece for my 1940 Hudson Country Club Sedan. The trim piece is approximately 12 inches high and about 36 inches wide. The Country Club has just this one single wide rear window. The finish on the trim piece is not important. Does anyone out there have this part?
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Good to have you. I'm sure you'll find a wealth of information here.
You may also want to visit the Hudson Essex Terraplane Club website, and consider joining that Club - Members come for the cars, and stick around because of the great folks there!
We hope you enjoy your time here at the Hudson Essex Terraplane 'Open Forum' -
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Bill is a good friend here in the Northeast Lake George area, Jon, and an HET member. You should meet him when you're up this way this summer. Hey, it's only 3 months away, and our 18 in of packed snow should be gone by then. We could make it a jaunt..Maybe in the 40 coupe.
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Bump! Anybody have a lead on one for this nice car?
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Try the following sources: Falk's Hudson Parts - HET Members in Wilcox Nebraska. Stu Coleman - HET member in Montana, Al Saffrahan, Maricopa AZ- HET member.... these folks are not on this forum and are parts dealers with excellent reputations.0
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