TS 77-7 - Hudson Dual Safe Hydraulc Brakes (1941-1950)
Senior Contributor
This bulletins covers adjustment of the dual safety brakes. The material came from a 1950 Service Merchandiser and covers1941-1947 and 1948-1950, but maybe you can also use this on later step downs.
Incidentally, there is a complete collection of Service Merchandisers from 1949 thru 1954 in the online library. There are earlier ones as well, but not complete sets and the ones from the 30's and 40's appear more toward merchandising.
Alex B
Incidentally, there is a complete collection of Service Merchandisers from 1949 thru 1954 in the online library. There are earlier ones as well, but not complete sets and the ones from the 30's and 40's appear more toward merchandising.
Alex B
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