Online library index
Senior Contributor
Attached is a copy of the online library index. There are some things that are in the pipline, so to speak, that were completed recently and so haven't been posted yet.
You may also find items misfiled - for example the 1940-1942 Group parts catalog is misfiled under 1940-1947 Reference sheets.
Alex Burr
Memphis, TN
You may also find items misfiled - for example the 1940-1942 Group parts catalog is misfiled under 1940-1947 Reference sheets.
Alex Burr
Memphis, TN
Tim, you could print and mail,maybe.
Alex Burr
995 Dawn Drive
Memphis, TN 38127
0 -
Look at Its free up to a reasonable capacity.
0 -
Tim, how about I send you FTP access to the website? Have you FTP'd before? You could actually upload it right into Alex's folder.
Aaron0 -
sounds like a good idea to me, Aaron.
Alex B
0 -
In this situation, FTP is a better way than Dropbox
This discussion has been closed.
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