1921 Hudson Super Six Speedster Phaeton for sale

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited April 2014 in Vehicles


  • oldhudsons
    oldhudsons Senior Contributor
    ad says this is the only known Hudson of this era with the Westinghouse shocks (which were extremely expensive); it may be to them but there is a '20 Hudson touring limousine in So. Calif. with them
  • hudsontech
    hudsontech Senior Contributor
    edited April 2014
    Not to be picky but that's actually a phaeton - the term "speedster" didn't come into use until 1922.  And even then the term "phaeton" was used in the 7-Pass. Phaetons.  The "speedster" continued until 1925.  Phaetons continued that term into the 1930's.
    I have in my collection a photo of a 1917 Hudson Model J 5-Pass. Speedster, but the term is not used in the body listing I have in the General Information Handbook.  Both 7- and 4-Pass. Phaeton's are listed.

    Alex Burr
    Memphis, TN

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