rear sway bar
Expert Adviser
Hello all looking for the rear sway bar bracket that on the frame and the rubber bushing for the sway bar 1940 pick up truck they didn't come with it on the truck axle has tab on it already charles4d
If you still have the 12-leaf springs, you don't need a sway bar.0
I think he's talking about the pan-head bar (I know my stepdown has one) - it acts like a sway bar to keep the rear end aligned when cornering, raising or lowering the car.0
Thanks all 4 leafs have been taken out to make the ride a little smoother not as stiffyes its call the pan-head bar.Just looking for the bracket off the frame if anybody has one truck frame don't haveone on them Charles4d0
The online manuals tend to have some type-o's in them due to the PDF optical text software instead of a simple picture scan of the original pages.
The software tries to make corrections but like spell gets it wrong sometimes.
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