Need '51 Hornet Starter Bendix - Manual
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I recently removed my starter to have it converted from 6V to 12V (the car has been 12V since I've owned it). Sure enough, the starter bendix gear was totally buggered.
My starter rebuilder sourced a new bendix, which looks a little different, but seemed to have the same dimensions, throw length, and number of teeth. For whatever reason, I can't get the new starter to engage the ring gear.
My next step is to get the car on the lift so I can try to observe the starter action from below.
but, just wondering if anyone has an original style bendix in serviceable condition for sale in case all else fails? This would be for a MANUAL O/D transmission.
phil at auldridge dot org
512 517-0055
I believe the rear end of the starter may be off 1/2 turn, as it seems to me that is what I found when I had the starter rebuilt onj my '33 Terraplane. Try taking the bolts loose that hold the starter together, and turn the rear plate 1/2 turn - this will bring the bendix closer to the ring gear.
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