amc parts catalogs 4 sale
hello , i have complete amc parts catalogs from 50-56 ranmbler, all the way thru 1983 model year, here is the breakdown, as listed on aaca forum. 50-56 in fact. binder, $80, 57-58-59 in nash binder, $70, 60-65 w/out binder, $90, 66 in fact binder, $125, 67-72,in non-fact. binder 2 vol. set, $125, 73-78 same as 67-72, $125, 79-83 set, non fact. binder, $100, also have 74 tech. manual, $25, i have some other makes like packard, mopar, ford from 20s up thru 1980 as well, inquire, thanks, doug, 740-285-2298
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