Craigslist in Florida -hudson parts


  • SuperDave
    SuperDave Senior Contributor

    Two Dave W's with Hudsons in the same geographical location.

    This could be confusing. The Dave  that has the parts for sale's last name starts with a W. as does mine.


    If anyone wants me to view the parts, I know Dave Williams and would be happy to take a look. Palm Bay is the next town South of Melbourne. (Florida USA)

    Dave Waddell

  • raidmagic
    raidmagic Senior Contributor
    Hey Kerry do you plan on getting these parts still? It not let me know so I can relist them. Thanks
  • 46HudsonPU
    46HudsonPU Administrator

    Thread moved to 'Parts & Pieces'...

  • Kdancy
    Kdancy Senior Contributor
    I actually forgot about them and haven't been down that way in a while. Go ahead and realist them, maybe some one closer will need them.
    If not, let me know.
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