'33 Essex-Terraplane lifters & guides
Senior Contributor
I am trying to locate a set (12) of roller lifters and Guides for a '33 E-T. If you have some or have a lead on where we might find some, contact Frank Hughes, HEThizzelf@ymail,com (drop the HET) or call 3 six zero 42six nine 48six.
These are the same lifters used in 1926 to 1932 Essex, and Hudson 8, so that should broaden your search. They tend to wear the pins and rollers, so carefully inspect these. Alternatively, you can regrind the camshaft to later specs and use the solid lifters as used from '34 onwards.0
Fred P. mentioned the late follower but didn't mention the cam re-grind step. I assume then that there is enough meat on the cam to grind to the later profile. We'll look at this approach more thoroughly.
Thanks for the info.
Frank0 -
Has anybody ever repopped the axles and wheels for these?
0 -
Frank, you must regrind the cam to use the later lifters, or they will be noisy. Plenty of meat to do so.0
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