'50 Pacemaker Coupe on Craigslist

snowshoe90aolcom Expert Adviser
edited July 2014 in Vehicles
I was at a car show this weekend and a fellow told me he had this for sale. It's on the Duluth, MN craigslist. He said he got it from a farm about 50 miles from Duluth and decided it might have value to someone....he's not into Hudsons....just rat rods. I don't know how to put the link up, but I'm sure you'll find the add if your interested. I may go look at it this week for something to do as it's not far from where I live. It's rusty for sure but it might have parts that are salvageable. The hood is stuck shut so he knew nothing about what is under the hood.


  • Here ya go.  Somebody give her a home!

  • It's actually not a coupe.  It's a brougham and from the looks of it, not worth saving
  • lostmind
    lostmind Expert Adviser
    one to many 0 's in the price
  • RL Chilton
    RL Chilton Administrator, Member
    I've said it scores of times, "If it's got two doors, it's worth saving".  

    I'm thinking I might have to make an exception . . . 
  • Hudson Grandpa
    Hudson Grandpa Expert Adviser
    I was born and raised in Superior, just across the Bay from Duluth. Knowing the adverse weather conditions that that car has been through, I don't think that it would even qualify as a parts car. The glass is good from what I can see, and some of the stainless & bumpers, but the rest is a writeoff.. Duluth during the winter is salt city capital of the US on the roads. ON a unusual winter you will see about 3 ft of snow. Normal winter will be at least 5ft, and temps from 0 degrees to 25 degrees below zero. That part is fine, it's when the snow starts to melt.
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