Routes to French Lick from Virginia

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited July 2014 in HUDSON
Interstate 64 looks like a good bet, most of the way from Virginia.  But driving a pre-war car, I don't really benefit from the 65-70 mph speeds.  An alternate, scenic highway with 55-60 mph speeds would be more pleasant and wouldn't slow me down.  And I wouldn't be crushed by semi's barreling along the Interstate at 80 mph.

It looks like Route 60 parallels Route 64, through West Virginia and Kentucky.  Is this a relatively fast route or is it impossibly slow?  Are there some places where it's good, and other places where one might switch back to I-64 to avoid built-up areas or steep hills?

By the way, I'll probably be traveling west on Tuesday and Wednesday, if anyone's driving a Hudson west on those days and would like to form a convoy.
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