
The user and all related content has been deleted.


  • charles4d
    charles4d Expert Adviser
    edited July 2014
    Under Parts & Pieces to your right >
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • oldhudsons
    oldhudsons Senior Contributor
    please go to the Hudson 8 site at Yahoo groups
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    If you're not in a terrible rush to sell, you might also want to post them in the White Triangle News (newsletter of the Hudson club, in case you didn't know).  You can do this for free (even if you are not a Club member) by working through a current Club member like myself. I'd say that more people read the magazine than come to the website, at least at this time, so you'll have a larger audience.  The ad deadline for the next issue is August 1, so you might want to e-mail that in, right away.  If you need more info, P.M. me or e-mail me at (drop the XXX first).
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