Convertible top bolts
Senior Contributor
I am starting to put a package together of remanufactured convertible bolts that are usually damaged. Would anybody be interested in a set? Will include everything form the last bow forward. Am working on a total price
Thanks for making this important task happen ...0
Yes! Interested in 2 sets to start.
Thanks Russ!0 -
Hi, Russ. I assume that this is only for StepDowns, and fits everything from '48 to '54....right?
If you do go into production please let me know so I can add it to my on-line repro parts list!
--Jon Battle (delete XXX before sending)
0 -
Russ - Yes, I am interested.0
I decided to go ahead and make a whole bolt kit for the top. I am going to start with 5 complete sets. There is 26 total bolts that will be made for one top. These are the ones you cannot get at the hardware store. Will include the barrel bolts that hold the chrome brackets and the barrel bolts that function as the hinges on the pot metal pieces plus and all the bolts that were chromed and had specific shoulders to them. Everything from the top irons forward. These will be the same exact as the originals even with slots were applicable. Will have them ready to ship next Monday/Tuesday. Cost will be $186 with shipping for a set. But before you think it is too high, check what prices are going for unique bolts like this. So less than $7 a bolt is really cheap plus the time it took to program each specifc bolt. If you have to go to a tooling shop for one to be made it most likely would be $20-$40 each.
Can email me for a pre-order @
Thanks1 -
I think that's a great price, Russ. I had my set made out of stainless and I think the cost was around $300.0
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