Hudsons at Hershey, 2014!

Jon B
Jon B Administrator
edited September 2014 in HUDSON
Once again we've got several opportunities for Hudson enthusiasts who'll attend the Hershey car show / flea market, to interact with fellow Hudsonites.  Here is a link to further information: 2014.html

The Hershey show runs Oct. 8 through 11, and there's an all-Hudson flea market on the 12th, in nearby Carlisle.

And, if you plan to be in Hershey, won't you volunteer to spend a little time at the H-E-T booth, both to recruit new members to the Club and to assist current Club members who stop by to visit?  We have two 4-hour shifts per day, from Wednesday through Saturday.  We need your help!  For further info. contact Jon Battle at .  Drop the XXX before mailing!


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