35 Hudson Parts
Uncle Josh
Senior Contributor
Well, nobody jumped on the 35 Rumble Seat Coupe, so they've put a Chivvy 350 in it, disk brakes, godawful wheels. Barf!
They're using the original rear axle, welded huge spring shock retainers. I think the rear end is gonna give up the ghost when they get on the power plant.
So the motor, tranny, and wheels (4-bolt) are for sale. Motor is apart but all there. Make offer.
Larry 518-863-2628 or HETcramerlp@roadrunner.com and drop the HET.
Location is 50 Mi N of Albany, NY
They're using the original rear axle, welded huge spring shock retainers. I think the rear end is gonna give up the ghost when they get on the power plant.
So the motor, tranny, and wheels (4-bolt) are for sale. Motor is apart but all there. Make offer.
Larry 518-863-2628 or HETcramerlp@roadrunner.com and drop the HET.
Location is 50 Mi N of Albany, NY
Is that the 'hot pink' 35 I saw last evening on Facebook, for sale on CL?
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