Free radios
Expert Adviser
I retrieved 3 radios from my uncle's garage. Two that look like '51s and one that appears to be from the 40s. It has a little square face. I assume they don't work but would be useful for parts. I don't want them cluttering up my garage but don't want to throw them away. If anybody within driving distance of White Marsh, MD (21162) wants them I would be happy to give them away.
dwardo99, I sent you a personal message.
Lee O'Dell0 -
I answered your PM, Lee.0
I guess my PM reply's to your reply didn't go through. Failure notices. I do not have a cell phone but I can receive photo by email. My email is Drop the XXX.
Thank you.
Lee O'Dell0 -
No, it didn't. I just sent you another PM. Did you get that?0
Yes, I got your PM. Just replied to you PM. I hope it went through. In case it didn't. I do not need the whole radio. I need the on/off knobs and dial adjusting knobs. I do not need any of the buttons. dYou may send photos to my email:
Lee0 -
dwardo will text you back in the morning...0
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