Lead on Essex Parts For Sale
Ol racer
Senior Contributor
FYI A 'Lead' on some Essex Parts for Sale that have been stored inside for Decades. They are in good restorable condition...
2 Doors
4 Wood wheels
Running Boards with Brackets
Good Gas Tank
Interior Window Mechanisms and Mouldings
Essex Hub Caps
I posted Pictures on FaceBook Hudson Site (Not sure how Post Pic's here yet)
They Want to Sell everything as a Lot.. Price Negotiable
Contact 814 677 4683 located near Oil City Pa.
They dont have the Car and the relative that owned them past away and they dont know the Essex Year. I dont know any more Info,
FYI A 'Lead' on some Essex Parts for Sale that have been stored inside for Decades. They are in good restorable condition...
2 Doors
4 Wood wheels
Running Boards with Brackets
Good Gas Tank
Interior Window Mechanisms and Mouldings
Essex Hub Caps
I posted Pictures on FaceBook Hudson Site (Not sure how Post Pic's here yet)
They Want to Sell everything as a Lot.. Price Negotiable
Contact 814 677 4683 located near Oil City Pa.
They dont have the Car and the relative that owned them past away and they dont know the Essex Year. I dont know any more Info,
This discussion has been closed.
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