Is this an OD wiring harness?

DJK Expert Adviser

What is this?  I
bought a box of wire at French Lick. 
This four and half foot long NOS harness had a broken tag.  It has two metal female plugs at either end
one with six holes, the other has three. 
There are six wire feeds, three with the typical Hudson metal male
bullet shaped connectors and three with round terminals designed to slip over a
small stud with nut & washer.  It can
only be one of two things,  an overdrive
or DriveMaster harness.  If an overdrive
it has to be pre-1950 because the plugs changed.  Larry K says the ’48-49 OD harness should
have a fuse holder attached, there is none, so it’s pre-’48 or??  The ’48 book notes two types and both 3 &
6 plugs were listed individually. I won’t hazard a guess what DriveMaster part
it could be. DJ Kava 


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    DJ, just a wild thought: could this be a headlight harness?  I know that the '46-7's have  a similar plug in the firewall on the driver's side.  When you think of the number of lamp circuits that have to be serviced (headlight hight beam, headlight low beam, parking light, turn signal light, maybe the emblem light) you have a lot of connectors required just for the harness that goes from dashboard to front lights.  Maybe Hudson combined the connections in one socket?
  • John, Likely not for headlights . Looks to be a DriveMaster harness. Supermatic would have more wiring connections.
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    The two photos above show female plugs whose pin pattern matches that of a couple of Drive-Master plugs.  See page 10-9 in the manual shown at this link:
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