Brake drums 1956 Super Wasp
Since the wasp was built in Kenosha along with the Nash Rambler, is it likely the brake drums are the same? I am having trouble finding replacement drums.
Also was looking for other specific replacements such as generator, voltage regulator, starter, etc... Anyone have a source? even used that can be rebuilt.
Thanks in advance
Also was looking for other specific replacements such as generator, voltage regulator, starter, etc... Anyone have a source? even used that can be rebuilt.
Thanks in advance
Paul Schuster on this forum would most likely have them. I don't want to advertise his information without his permission but you could PM him. He's fantastic to work with and If he doesn't have the drums should be able to refer you to someone else who does.0
Paul's forum name is PAULARGTYPE. He's the man for your request.0
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