Unable to delete or edit attached files
Senior Contributor
I could edit the message but not the attached files.
You can't edit an attached file. About all you can do is delete them. What I would recommend is to delete the attachment(s) in question, make the changes (whatever they are) on your local copy, and re-post the attachments.0
Rick, I tried that right off the bat. every time I try it I get an error message.0
What is the thread?
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306344 camshaft just profiled.
I need to remove the first and second attachment. Wrong camshaft number.0 -
Found it - can't delete the attachments either (?). Something that needs to be looked-into...
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Kerry, I just checked your post (the one with the attachments) and each one of the attachments has a blue "DELETE" button on it. Do yo want me to delete all the attachments, or save the one that's a photo?
(Maybe Aaron has noticed this problem and fixed it, thus the appearance of the DELETE option all of a sudden!)
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Jon, delete the very first profile and the cam picture.
When I get the results of the "742" cam back, I'd like to add them to the post so all info would be on one post but don't see a way to do that now.0 -
Kerry, I'm sorry. When I pushed the "DELETE" button I got an error messae!
I didn't realize this would happen, when I first noticed the presence of the DELETE buttons; just assumed they'd work!
I've reported this to The Higher-Ups.
Meanwhile, why not simply remove the entire thread and post new photos? Or can you not do that, either?
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I will continue to try and troubleshoot next week. I dont want to risk taking the site down or screwing with the FileUpload extension until I get back. Just don't upload any pictures that you would want to take down quickly. : ) Jon, this means no nude sunbathing pictures of yourself on the forum. If that happens folks may be begging me to take the site down!!Aaron0
Awww......not even ONE, Aaron?
This discussion has been closed.
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