Can someone help me identify these hub caps? Not sure what they belong to.
My guess, 29 Hudson with wire wheels.0
Ric is correct. However they are not factory as far as I can tell. looks like the ones I had made
in the mid 70's.
0 -
Thanks fellas, not sure if they are factory or not. I found them in a box of stuff we bought and I have no need for 29 hub caps.Thanks!Scott0
Thanks fellas, not sure if they are factory or not. I found them in a box of stuff we bought and I have no need for 29 hub caps.
Scott; Check with Mark Huffman in Whitesboro... he has 29 Hudsons... might need these?Thanks!Scott0 -
I could use these on the current rebuild I am doing. Can I have a contact please. My email (leave the first nz off.)Geoff0
Geoff, Here are a couple more pics. These are not perfect, but they are nice.Thanks!-Scott0
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