Rubber seal around doors

G'day All,

My 1936 Terraplane doesn't have the rubber seal around the door. I was wondering if anyone had a picture of what it looks like. I don't really need to have it but I was reading thru the advertising book for 1936 and noticed this feature missing

cheers Ken


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    I'm not sure, but if you check with Wildrick Rubber they would be able to tell you if they're making this rubber.  I thought that the "seals" of this era, were simply the fabric-wrapped windlace that finished off the edges of the upholstery at the door openings, inside.
  • barrysweet52
    barrysweet52 Expert Adviser
    In the old KGap book, it says no 1935 G, and no 1936 model 61. I assume its what Jon has said above.
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