Single Lever, non-overdrive splasher engine won't go in reverse
I took my 47 pickup out of the garage for the first time in 14 years today. When I got back to the house, image my surprise to find it would not shift into reverse. It was working when I backed it into the garage all those years ago, and I think it was working when I fired it up 6 months ago. It goes into 1st, 2nd & 3rd just fine. Any thoughts?
Check the linkage bushings, they may be sloppy and or you might need to shorten the shifter linkage rod.0
No overdrive.
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Adjusting the HandyShift cable got it shifting into reverse again. I have no idea why it would have gone out of adjustment just sitting in the garage, but it did.
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That's usually caused by the innate carnality of inanimate objects.0
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