Wanted hudson 8 engine in northern california
I'm looking for a 1947 or later 8 engine. I don't need the manifolds or water pump. Engine needing work is preferred. What have you got?
Marv in Bonny Doon
Marv in Bonny Doon
There's a significant difference betwixt the '47 and '48-'52 engines (externally). May I assume that you are seeking a "Stepdown" Eight, i.e., '48-'52?.
Frank0 -
Frank-I'm looking for a engine to use in a HAMB dragster. Hamb dragsters are recreations of dragsters from the 1950's and early 1960's. I think a Hudson 8 powered car would be a very interesting car as well as a example of how well "splasher" engines will perform.
0 -
Marv,I don't know what a HAMB dragster looks like. If the dragster's front frame member would be beneath the engine, then a 1948 - 52 eight would be best, because the oil pan is shallow under the front half of the engine, and deep under the second half. This accommodates the frame crossmember on the step-down car. The oil pan of the 1937 - 1947 eight is deep for almost the whole length of the oil pan, since the crossmember on these cars is in front of the engine, instead of under it. However, the newer engine's oil pan is a little wider at the rear part, while the older engine's oil pan is the same width for its whole length. The same transmission was used for a long time with both six cylinder and 8 cylinder engines (1941 - early 1952), but the bell housing is different for the step-down engine and the pre-step-down engine.Per0
Per the frame is essentially 2 parallel pieces of rectangular tubing with a tubular front cross member. The engine is set back from the front cross member so there wouldn't be any pan issues. Thanks for the information.
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