NOS stepdown sheet metal for sale
Interesting. But not real helpful . . .0
Agreed - How about some info to back-up your subject line?0
I would suggest that the poster is new to the forum. I have created msg content and thought it was posted only to
find my text had disappeared. If I was new and that happened to me I would not know what had happened and most likely give up...
Guess on name is Al S' son from Ill.0 -
Well folks - If you are curious or have an interest, PM the member directly...0
From the other forum:
I have the following NOS sheet metal for sale.
48-51 drivers side door sedan $100 or best offer
48-51 drivers side rear fender sedan $200 or best offer
48-49 hood$150 or best offer.
I have the parts stored in another location. Due to the snow in Chicago I have not been able to get over and take pictures.
Mike Saffrahn
This discussion has been closed.
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