Hinge differences
Can anyone tell me if there are any differences between sedan and coupe door hinges from 48 to 53? I received a reply to my post for hinges, but the one hinge he had is for a newer sedan and we weren't sure if they would work. Thanks.
Ken, The only thing I ever found was that the convert hinges had larger hinge pins. Sedan front doors had the same hinge as the coupes. The difference is that on 2 door cars, there is a welded piece that needs to be checked. This weld is at the top of the door facing the A pillar near the ;point where the fender and top of the door come together. This welded piece is meant to prevent stress/sagging on a two door.Make sure it is indeed still welded. A lot of them have broken and need to be repaired.0
Ken and Lance, Thanks for the help. I've only had one reply so far from a member that had one hinge that was from a sedan. I think I'll take a chance on that one and see if it matches up or if it can be modified or not. Thanks again. Ron0
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