differential ratio 51 stepdown hudson hornet 4dr. to low

looked on google said mine was a 410 ratio is that so?  thats to low.  is there a hog head or gears that would work out of something eles? who would have what i need? i would like to have a ratio of low to mid 300s thanks.


  • Lance
    Lance Member
    The only Hudson built rear end with a low ration was the 51 hydramatic unit. with a 3:58 .   If you have a Dana /Spicer unit the lowest ratio supplied to Hudson was 3:07.   Dana 44 units have a ring & pinion that will interchange with many other Dana ratios. With Hudson built rear ends-thats it. No interchange as Hudson built their own.   Dana 44's came out in mid 1952 but will retrofit in all stepdowns.
  • The 410 is great for drag racing......
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    To retrofit the Dana to earlier StepDowns, you have to replace the entire axle housing, right?  You cant fit the Dana gears into the Hudson-built housing?
  • SuperDave
    SuperDave Senior Contributor
    Correct. Completely different. The Dana or Spicer has a bolted on rear cover and the gears are set up and adjusted in the housing. The original Hudson had a removable carrier. You set up the ring and pinion with the gear assembly out of the car. The same way the modern Ford 9" and 8.5 are done.
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