1969 Big Bad Green AMX
Lee ODell
Senior Contributor
Thought I would share a video of the 1969 Big Bad Green AMX my uncle Rex O'Dell bought new and he let me buy it in 1980. Twenty five years later it was time to let it go last year. AMX is in the good hands of someone, Kenny, who is making improvements turning it into a more stunning AMX. I'm glad it now belongs to someone who will take good care of it. Kenny just found this video on You Tube 1969 Big Bad Green AMX and sent me the information. Hope you enjoy as much as I.
This is the same all original AMX I had mentioned in past post that I drove up to 135 mph on a late night impulse run on freeway. It was still pulling when I decided this was fast as I care to push it. At a later date, after a speeding ticket, I took the AMX to North Hollywood Speedometer to verify speedometer accuracy. Turns out it reads slow and I was told I was really going 155 mph. Also, driving easy the mpg was 19.7 miles per gallon. Kind of getting best of both worlds. Performance and gas mileage. Lee O'Dell
This is the same all original AMX I had mentioned in past post that I drove up to 135 mph on a late night impulse run on freeway. It was still pulling when I decided this was fast as I care to push it. At a later date, after a speeding ticket, I took the AMX to North Hollywood Speedometer to verify speedometer accuracy. Turns out it reads slow and I was told I was really going 155 mph. Also, driving easy the mpg was 19.7 miles per gallon. Kind of getting best of both worlds. Performance and gas mileage. Lee O'Dell
Always wanted a 70 AMX. Loved these cars.
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