37 hudson hood trim
I need a hood trim molding if anyone knows where to get one or repair mine please let me know. I have pix. Of my broken one. Thanx....
Is that the Center hood Hinge or a side trim pc?
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The center hood trim molding that holds both sides of the hood0
The Mack Truck hinge that was traditionally recommended for use in the '37 Hudson or Terraplane, was part #40 M12 P23100.
While you're at the parts department, ask to see a # 4QM12P5 from the "B" model Mack..
One other possibility I've heard: the center hinge for an MGTD, TC or TF. The part number 453-050 keeps cropping up, for this chrome plated brass strip. If you have a British car repair shop nearby, you could drive over with your broken piece and check the MG's out!
Here's a British company selling a similar hinge: http://www.vintagecarparts.co.uk/categories/vintage-car-parts-coachfittings-and-body-parts-bonnet-hinge . It's available in two different lengths. I don't see a make or model application for this hinge.
Early last year a series of similar hinges were sold on Ebay. Here is a link to the old auction (now ended): http://www.ebay.com/itm/1920s-1930s-CHEVROLET-HUDSON-REO-DODGE-40-REPLACEMENT-STAINLESS-HOOD-HI-/261365771248?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3cda9d2bf0&vxp=mtr You could go to the auction and see if you can contact the seller to find out if he has more. Here is the actual hinge cross section:
(I think this is the same one that Ken U. just posted, above.
Not sure if any of these will work, but they're worth checking out.
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Thank you Ken and Jon for the info....0
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