Need an original Hudson Motor
Aaron D. IL
Senior Contributor
in Street Rods
hey guys I posted this in the main forum but thought I'd post it here too. I'm in search of a good running motor for a fellow Chapter
member. 262, 308, 0r 254 with either overdrive or hydromatic.
Preferably in good condition with good compression and not really
needing a total rebuild. If you're modifying you Hudson an parting with
an original powerplant that would be ideal. Email me with what you may
have. Thanks
member. 262, 308, 0r 254 with either overdrive or hydromatic.
Preferably in good condition with good compression and not really
needing a total rebuild. If you're modifying you Hudson an parting with
an original powerplant that would be ideal. Email me with what you may
have. Thanks
Aaron didn't you just post this a few days ago? Someone had a 308 for your friend.0
Yeah but also seeing what's out there. Trying to get leads/options. Any help is appreciated.
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Aaron, do you still need a Hudson motor? I have a '36 Terraplane engine, missing the intake & exhaust.0
Have a good rebuildable long block 262 minus head and water pump. Always stored indoors, all intact undamaged pistons and valves, $200Have to pick up.0
This discussion has been closed.
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