28 essex super six steering
Recently bought a 28 super six.Someone broke the steering wheel trying to turn it with 4 flat tires , the previous owner told me.
I need the steering wheel ,and not sure about the two plastic levers that control the lights and throttle.the horn button still looks ok.
The tubes are clean and good film of oil on them,seem ok.
Any input on replacing or repaiting would be great.
Is it the steering wheel itself or the hub that the steering wheel attaches to? These original hubs tend to fail and need replacing for safety's sake.0
If it is the steering boss that connects the wheel to the column I can get you a new one machined.0
It's the hub that the steering wheel attaches to thats broken,where it slides over the column-{shaft}. I guess you would call it the boss,not sure.Just looking at it I don't see how it attaches to the wheel,figured it was molded together.0
Unscrew the plate (3.5") surrounding the horn button & you'll expose a circular series of countersunk screww that hold the steering wheel onto the boss(hub) . These hubs were originally made from diecast zinc (muckmetal) & have become dangerously fragile over time. Best to replace it with a modern made one.
Note that the 28 hub is different from the 29 even though they look the same.
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thx guys,had no idea that ring was there to take off,got it off and got the screws-bolts soaking in buster.0
Left the wheel at the machine shop to get new boss machined.
Another question,the two small plastic thumb controls on the wheel (throttle and light switch)are broken off.The tubes they move are free and well oiled.Can I find replacement parts for them,or better to add axillary light switch and cable throttle control?Kinda wanting to stay original if possible.
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I have rebuilt these levers by drilling and tapping a thread into the bakelite base, screwing a 1/8" machine screw in, bending to the correct shape, and then build up around it with re-inforced fibreglass. Paint with black enamel after sanding into shape.0
Thx Geoff,I actually found the two broken off plastic levers,bout 2-3'' long.Thought I would try gluing them back on with some type glue or epoxy,any suggestions?Figured they would be mostly for looks and would add switch and throttle cable somewhere out of sight,maby on a panel in the glove box or some such location.Still missing the 1'' ring around wheel nut ,but learning that alot of things on these old rides need to be fabricated to best of ones ability.0
You wont find any glue strong enough to work. Soon as you try and actuate them they wil lbreak off, that's why I use a screw and build up around it. Our r.h.d. cars have no levers in the centre, just a plain bezel, and the light switch and hand throttle are on the dash, so that is an alternative for you to consider.Geoff0
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