28 essex super six
Need one cowl light and both bracket 1928 essex.
My back seat bottom is missing.
Need 5 - 5.25/5.50/6.00x20'' tires,tubes,tubliners.
its the back seat bottom I need.thx0
I can help with both light & bracket but postage from New Zealand is costly so use me only if you can't find in USA.
Both Coker & Universal Tires (& maybe Lucas in Cal) sell tires tubes & liners (rustbands) in the sizes you need. Original size was 475/500x20
PM me if you want to go further.
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I have one arm, not sure which side. Also have 1 cowl light,seems to be Right side.I'm located in West Michigan. any interest? Could try to E-mail pics. Let me know."Ric"0
Hey rick ,I'm still looking for 1 cowl light and need both brackets.Let me know what you have.
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Found this on Ebay, any use?
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Steve, I can't tell you much more than in my previous post. The right cowl light looks good, there is a smallcrack in the rim at the bottom where mounting screw goes. Bracket seems ok. As said before, I don't know if the bracket is right or left. These parts came from a local swap meet 30+ years ago.Have you considered using the 1929 cowl lights ? Same shape, but are brass and chrome plated.You could paint the body to look like the correct 1928 lights. Just a thought.Would need e-mail address to send pictures. Are you in the club roster, or Maybe PM me the info.Fred "Ric" Pinder0
I have both brackets and buckets but no glass
but the same as David in nz
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