Hood release

JFromm Senior Contributor
Does anyone have a picture of where the hood release is bolted under the dash of a 53 hornet? I have one from a 50 commodore that does not seem to match up with the holes under the dash. A friend has a 53 wasp and his has a hole drilled above the parking brake lever. So question is also, can I use the one I have or is there one specific to the hornet?


  • Lance
    Lance Member
    John, The Commodore  hood release should work on a Hornet with no trouble. The same hood release was used on both cars. If you need to drill a hole, then place it on the underside of the dash brace near the e brake handle. Put a speed nut on the dash brace frame flange and then attach the  e brake release T  handle bracket. Thread the bowden release cable through the dash, and around the headlight junction block for the driver side.  Attach it to the lower hood catch plate. 
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