WANTED: 1941-47 8-cylinder radiator
Jon B
A friend needs a '41 to '47 8-cylinder radiator with all the mounting hardware. I think he'd gladly buy a used one so long as it was in good shape, or only had some minor damage that was easily fixable.
Or, if you have a damaged radiator, and he could at least salvage the radiator mounts and shroud, that would be great as well. The 8-cylinder hardware is evidently different from the 6-cylinder.
Please PM me or e-mail me at XXXdetailed@verizon.net (drop the X's before sending). The friend is located in Northern Virginia, by the way!
Or, if you have a damaged radiator, and he could at least salvage the radiator mounts and shroud, that would be great as well. The 8-cylinder hardware is evidently different from the 6-cylinder.
Please PM me or e-mail me at XXXdetailed@verizon.net (drop the X's before sending). The friend is located in Northern Virginia, by the way!
I'm bumping this to the top!
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The only difference is the number of cores, ie thickness. 2 for the 6 and 3 for the 8. I just had a 2 core re-cored with a modern core which is more efficient and it works fine in my 47 pickup with a 254. Can't put a 3 core in the 2 core radiator because the upper and lower tanks are too small.0
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