FOR SALE: 650x16 & 600x16 tires, used
Jon B
1. Four (4) Goodyear Deluxe All-Weather wide whitewall 6.50 x 16 bias ply tires, used. Recently removed from car, 14 years old, 21,000 miles. Whitewalls look good but have some abrasion. Tread remaining: 1/8" (one tire), 1/16" (one tire), less than 1/16", (two tires). All tires hold air. These tires should be used for static display or off-road use! All come with inner tubes.
2. One Goodyear "Marathon" 600 x 16 blackwall bias ply tire, used. About 1/8" of tread left. Age unknown. Comes with inner tube, and holds air.
All five for $100 or best offer. Will consider selling separately. Located in Northern Virginia.
PM me, or e-mail (delete the X's before sending).
(NOTE: This ad was recently re-worded due to misprint on the blackwall's size.)
Did you get new tires, Jon? What did you go with?0
Coker radials 600R16.
0 -
Pictures are good.0
How about some pictures of your car, with the new tires?
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