'29 H Landau Irons Wanted
I have a '29 Biddle & Smart Landau Sedan, but the actual landau irons and mounting brackets were removed by a previous owner, maybe 40 years ago. See the picture of the green car - mine. Is this a case of identity theft?
A complete set of irons, etc., would be nice, but anything at all will be helpful. The irons measure about 30" between the hole centers - this measurement is critical. They're purely decorative, so what looks like a hinge doesn't do anything. See the pictures attached.
A complete set of irons, etc., would be nice, but anything at all will be helpful. The irons measure about 30" between the hole centers - this measurement is critical. They're purely decorative, so what looks like a hinge doesn't do anything. See the pictures attached.
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