Want to buy 308 head gasket
J Haugo
Need to know where I can get a 308 head gasket.
Dale Cooper HET member
Dale Cooper: Ace Auto Parts, specializing in New Hudson engine rebuild parts and gaskets. Complete gasket sets for Hudson engine overhauls, rebuilt fuel and water pumps, and other mechanical parts to refurbish / rebuild Hudsons. Phone: 513-821-62000 -
I tried to call him today, No answer and his "voice mail" isn't working.0
Call him on Monday . . . I don't think he's open on weekends.
Email me for possible source for the wiper cable. hetpwald@comporium.net (delete the "het" for actual address).
0 -
Yep. You can reach him regular business hours.0
Thanks to all for your assistance. My gasket is on the way.
J Haugo
This discussion has been closed.
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