HUDSON Commodore 8 1947 convertible -- Torsion bar assembly - Anti Sway bar

commodore47 Member
edited October 2015 in Parts & Pieces
my Name is Michael, I am 65 and I live in the near of HAMBURG in Germany - my english isn´t very well !!
I am looking for a  "Anti Sway bar"  for my  "HUDSON Commodore 8 convertible 1947"
The dates of the car are:  34 162 85   Modell 54 - year 1947
Unfortunately I cannot find a dealer in Europe who can help me to get a new Sway bar.
I beleave I need a complete "Torsions bar assembley" with the part no.   A8 - C 166 222 includes bushing !!??  hopefully that are right
Is anyone out there who can helb me and give me a adress from a dealer where I can order and buy it.
Thanks in advance
Kind regards


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