40 Coupe Tail Light wanted
Uncle Josh
Senior Contributor
I believe I have some of both. I'll check and get back to you. I may have left side also if needed.
Lee O'Dell
0 -
Sorry Larry. The part number on the NOS boxes of lenses are p/n 142586 labeled 1940 sedan. The bezels p/n 141770R are very nice also. If coupes are different I don't have any.
Lee O'Dell0 -
Make sure it is for a coupe. Has slightly different curve to match the coupe fender. I learned this the hard way.Replaced the lense on my Dads 40 sedan and as I gently tightened the screws on the bezel, the lense cracked. Checked in the parts book, oops I had tried to use a coupe lense ."Ric"0
Maybe eshlman is marking them
208 550 03600 -
Lens is 142592, bezel is 142594 for RH Vic Coupe, Cv coupe, Cv sedan0
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