Essex grill, chrome or nickel plated?

My 1931 Essex grill needs re-plating and I need to know if it is supposed to be nickel or chrome.


  • Chome was patented around 1924 and was first used in cars from the start of 1927 . The U.S. Govenment banned it during ww2 to save war resources. Your radiator probably should be chrome in 1931. The Art Deco movement started in 1925 and went mad for the new chrome process. My great grand mother had all her copper tea kettles chromed in 1932 in the new stuff
  • Thanks!
  • RichardD
    RichardD Member
    edited November 2015

    I have a 1931 Franklin and the 'radiator' shell is Bright Nickel. As is all other stuff.

  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Essex and Hudson were chrome plated from 1929 onwards, except the interior fittings, which were all nickel.
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