grill emblem

I'm looking for a red grill emblem for a step down. (48 to 54)


  • 46HudsonPU
    46HudsonPU Administrator


    Members here may have emblem on their shelves, etc., as well. 

    Other than that - suggest you look on Ebay.  Some there now, do not appear to be in the best of condition.

  • StillOutThere
    StillOutThere Expert Adviser
    The grille medallion prior to 1950 is black and fits '46-49 Hudsons.  You seek a '50-54 piece.  The '55 item looks the same on its face but is shaped differently towards its back.

    Yes, original K-GAP was very proud of the first item we offered for sale.
  • 46HudsonPU
    46HudsonPU Administrator
    The grille medallion prior to 1950 is black and fits '46-49 Hudsons.  You seek a '50-54 piece.  The '55 item looks the same on its face but is shaped differently towards its back.

    Yes, original K-GAP was very proud of the first item we offered for sale.
    Yes, the original 'K-Gap', before it was bought-out and 'went south'...    And, please don't confuse Wildrick Rubber Parts - - with K-Gap either (other than that of providing parts, supplies & services to the Hudson community).
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