1941 BigBoy door handle spring

12BoltTom Senior Contributor
Inside our door handles is a spring. It is used to "pull " the handle back up after use. Ours are shot. Has anyone rebuilt their handles with new springs and could give some tips?


  • Do you mean the door lock mechanism which has a spring to return the handle position? If not, don't bother reading any further. I have rebuilt our local Oz versions before which are bit different to yours. Ours are a bit more complicated and delicate due to the diecast splined handle socket rather than a square shaft. You should find compatible springs for your locks on EBay if you search for "hudson door lock spring". Otherwise, with care, its pretty straight forward.
  • Uncle Josh
    Uncle Josh Senior Contributor
    Parts from a car would be easier to get and are the same as the truck
  • 12BoltTom
    12BoltTom Senior Contributor
    Thanks Guy's. Getting the springs from Lance in North Carolina.
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