Vent shades

Nevada Hudson
Nevada Hudson Senior Contributor
So anyone have vent shades on their four door? Do they block the view and cut down on wind noise, or do they have any negative effects?


  • Lee ODell
    Lee ODell Senior Contributor
    I am glad the shades were on mine when I bought it. They help shad sunlight from the sides. On a hot day when I go shopping I can leave the windows down a little without window opening being visible, let's some heat out while parked. Does limit some side visibility but not as far as traffic is concerned, maybe if looking for airplanes. Don't know if they cut wind noise. I would give them a "+". I have a extra set if anyone would like a set for 4dr.. 818 845 2945 Lee O'Dell
  • I think they add to the already low look of the roof line, makes it look chopped without a torch.Makes the windows appear even smaller than they already are when viewed from the side.Only my preference but it's why this is one car that I like better in a four door than a two,only adds to that never-ending roof line.Mine also has the mirror, front wing-window,and windshield  visors,I'm adding the headlight visors next.It makes the old girl scream 1953 even louder! I still need the dice hanging from the mirror.  image
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