Easy bend brake tubing

Kdancy Senior Contributor
I still can't post a reply using my samsung galaxy pad but can start a post. 
Here is a reply concerning the brake tubing. I switched from Stainless to this a couple of years
ago and won't go back! SUR R BR EZ bend brake tubing


  • Frankvintagefullflowcom
    Frankvintagefullflowcom Senior Contributor

    Unless the "100" means feet, I don't see where a length is specified. Do you know?


  • Frankvintagefullflowcom
    Frankvintagefullflowcom Senior Contributor


    That's why I asked.......100 ft. @ $105 sounds like a bargain to me.

    I'd assume (risky, I know) that it meets the same specs as the Fedhill product. I'll be doing a '48 in the not-too-distant future, so I'll order a roll. By the time I'm done, I'll know if it's good stuff.


  • RonS
    RonS Senior Contributor
     FedHills' product exceeds the required standards for pressure. I would inquire what the alloy of the tubing is exactly at SUR&R. I went to the web site and I don't see what the alloy is. I would think that it is indeed CuNiFer, but ask. Good price if it is the same as Fed Hill.
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