What's the weight?

How much does a 1954 Hornet club coupe weigh?  I've tried researching it on my own, but every website has a (sometimes vastly) conflicting answer.  Anyone have a good idea?  Thanks.


  • ESSX28-1
    ESSX28-1 Senior Contributor
    Butler gives 3570 pounds (page 318)
  • Thanks!  I should pick up a copy of that book...
  • Lee ODell
    Lee ODell Senior Contributor
    The best way to know the weight of your car is to have it weighed. Some scrap yards and recycling centers have scales for cars and trucks.  When I bought my 47 PU I had to take it to be weighed before I could get new registration paperwork completed.  It only cost $10.  Some items that alter final weight:  gas tank full or half full, a changed radiator, disc brakes,  transmission choice - 3 speed or with overdrive, hydro or BW, or seats redone, adding insulation, undercoating.  Not all tires weigh the same.  Twin H weighs more, aluminum head or cast head.  Changing exhaust system probably will change weight.  All the extra add on items will add weight like air condition, spot lights, fog lights, exterior sun visor, side window shades, radios, CD players on an on.  You may be surprised how much weight difference there may be from 3570 pounds. Ten dollars will get your answer.  I hope you will share the weight of your car with us.
  • hudsonguy
    hudsonguy Senior Contributor

    As Lee describes above, a lot can effect the total weight. Most likely the factory listed weight was a somewhat stripped down model for just that reason. I don't know, but am just guessing.

    My '49 Super Six sedan fully loaded with most of those options listed above, and spare parts and tools in the trunk, etc. weighs just a touch over 4000 lbs. Quite a bit more than the factory listed weight for this model.

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