New to club. Here she is, the Hudillac

Already have a 66 Nova , all rubbed and caged, blah blah blah. Wanted something to take the grandkids for ice cream! Found this one behind a customizes shop in the interior of British Columbia a true desert find, out I back behind some wrecks!. Someone's dream that just didn't get over the last hurdles! Gas a warmed over 500 caddy, turbo 400, caddy rear. Power everything. Some good mods, some not! But she is a runner, even tho the gas looks like baby poop coming out of the line. ! So basically even tho it is a rod, it's a very unique one! Went to a car show in town yesterday, 200 cars, not one Hudson ! This car and I are going to have a lot of good years ahead of us!


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