Mud guard gap
Senior Contributor
I have a question about how flat does the mud guard fit to the front of the firewall down to the bottom of the uni-body frame. The top part fits flat against the firewall but the lower part of the sheet metal does not. There is a gap that can be seen in the attached photo. The bolt down at the bottom that screws into the uni-body frame is tight and in place. I was questioning myself as to whether I had it installed correctly since it had been 11 years since I took it off. To double check myself I then bolted on the drivers side mud guard and it fits the same way. Maybe its just a case of bad memory? Any comments? Please excuse the dirt. I'm building the car on my back porch. :~)
Chaz good to go. My cars are the same0
Note, the edge which closes the gap with the fender and at the bottom had factory installed rubber attached to seal out the road debris.0
Thank you!I will be putting that gap to good use later this week. More later on what's happening in that area complete with photos.Peace,Chaz0
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